About Us
"Hero is an action. To inspire. To display strength.To instill knowledge. Courage. Power.
To Hero!"
Live A Hero, LLC was founded on the belief that we are ALL HEROES. One does not carry the title “Hero” due to their profession or position but by their actions and commitment. The uniform does not make the HERO. The heart and determination to make a positive difference is what makes that HERO. It’s time we all start wearing the title of HERO proudly. That is how HERO was born.
Presented with questions and lack of trust in police by citizens, founder and police officer, Shaun thought to himself. “Do you think you are some type of hero because of the badge you wear?” Shaun gave that question deep thought. “I am not a hero because of the badge or the uniform. I am a hero because of the person I am. The differences I make in my community. The father I am. The husband I am. The son I am. I am a HERO because of who I am. If I were not a police officer, I would still, undoubtedly, be a HERO!”
This thought process sparked the innovation of the first HERO tee in 2018. Not as a brand but as a simple reminder that he is a HERO. As he wore the tee around others, it generated much needed conversation. Live A Hero officially launched in April 2019 and has been a reminder to everyone that they can “Live A Hero”, despite their position, nationality, profession, gender or age. Since its creation it has quickly grown into a social movement. The logo has become a badge of honor by nurses, IT professionals, military, first responders, fitness gurus, real estate agents, retail workers and more. These are the true HEROES that make a difference in our everyday lives.
There is a heroic trait in all of us. Some just have not tapped into it yet. So I ask you this: How do YOU HERO?

Word of Mouth
"There's something about buying from a small business that is so refreshing. That one on one customer service with the actual owner of the business..."
"Great communication. Amazing quality."
"I was even more excited to place an order when I found out that everything is made in house. No out-sourcing? Sign me up!